Flash基础入门之2018-06-11 AWS上关于flash briefing的答疑
小标 2019-03-12 来源 : 阅读 1096 评论 0

摘要:本文主要向大家介绍了Flash基础入门之2018-06-11 AWS上关于flash briefing的答疑,通过具体的内容向大家展现,希望对大家学习Flash基础入门有所帮助。

本文主要向大家介绍了Flash基础入门之2018-06-11 转载 AWS上关于flash briefing的答疑,通过具体的内容向大家展现,希望对大家学习Flash基础入门有所帮助。

Flash基础入门之2018-06-11 AWS上关于flash briefing的答疑

Provide Daily Content to Customers with Flash Briefing

NEW: Alexa Flash Briefing Skill API now available in the UK and Germany, read more.

The Flash Briefing Skill API is a new addition to the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) that enables developers to add their feeds to the Alexa Flash Briefing, which delivers pre-recorded audio clips and text-to-speech (TTS) updates to customers. Examples of Flash Briefing skills include updates from popular broadcasters and blogs, recent headlines and weather, among others. Each Flash Briefing skill contains one or more content feeds. Customers browse and enable Flash Briefing skills in the Alexa app by accessing the Flash Briefing menu under settings. After enabling the skill, customers simply ask, “Alexa, give me my Flash Briefing” to hear your content.

Provide daily content to customers by creating a Flash Briefing skill for Alexa. With the Flash Briefing Skill API, you tap into standardized Amazon language models so you don’t need to build a new user experience for voice.

To get started, you’ll configure your compatible RSS feed and submit descriptive information about your skill to connect your content directly to Flash Briefing. You’ll need basic knowledge of JSON or RSS feed formats to do this. You can then test your Flash Briefing skill on any Alexa-enabled device.

Get started »

How do I get started with the Flash Briefing Skill API?

Start by reading the Flash Briefing Skill API documentation, which details how to configure your content for Flash Briefing as a new skill.

What is the difference between the “Flash Briefing Skill” and “Custom Skill” skill type?

With custom skills, you build a voice interaction model to handle customer requests. With the Flash Briefing Skill API, some of this work is done for you. The Flash Briefing Skill API taps into standardized Amazon language model so you don’t have to build the voice interaction model for your skill. Plus, your customers don’t need to remember your skill name or a specific invocation phrase. They simply need to enable your skill and ask, “Alexa, give me my Flash Briefing” to hear your content.

Would I ever create both a Flash Briefing skill and a custom skill?

Yes. If you want to add additional supported utterances or go beyond reading or playing content, you can also create a custom skill. However, content from a custom skill cannot be provided as a part of a customer’s Flash Briefing.

What type of content can I provide to create a Flash Briefing skill?

You can provide audio clips and text-to-speech content.

What format does the content need to be in?

Content should be provided in JSON or RSS format.

How do I make my Flash Briefing skill accessible to all Alexa customers?

Once you complete development and testing as described, you can submit your skill for certification. Once your skill passes certification you will receive notification and it will be available to customers in the Alexa app.


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